Improve Your Horse's Well Being - Linda Tellington Jones
Here, at last, is a fully illustrated guide to Linda Tellington-Jones' famous TTouches and TTEAM ground work for horses, in a big-format high-quality production with stunning photographs in full colour.
'TTEAMwork' can strengthen horse and rider partnerships and unlock hidden potential in every horse. This book provides you with step-by-step instruction so you can easily learn and use Linda's revolutionary techniques on your own horses.
The Tellington Touches (TTouches), circular touches made with the hands and fingers on a horse's body, are designed to increase both relaxation and awareness. The Tellington-Touch Equine Awareness Method (TTEAM) ground exercises, leading a horse around and over obstacles, are used to overcome behavioural and physical problems by expanding a horse's capacity for learning through improved balance and coordination. These deceptively simple touches and exercises enhance a horse's training and well-being.
Linda Tellington-Jones is internationally recognised for her expertise with horses and for her work with animals of all kinds. She is the author of other best-selling books published by Kenilworth Getting in Touch with Horses: How to Understand and Influence Your Horse's Personality, Potential and Performance and Let's Ride! with Linda Tellington-Jones.