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Reveal  Gun Dog Training Dummy
Reveal  Gun Dog Training Dummy
Reveal  Gun Dog Training Dummy
Reveal  Gun Dog Training Dummy
Reveal  Gun Dog Training Dummy

Reveal Gun Dog Training Dummy

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Reveal Gun Dog Training Dummy 

 Reveal Gun Dog Training Dummy is the perfect dummy for encouraging gun dogs on blind retrieves over distances. This dummy is fantastic for building up confidence in your gun dog.
This white dummy sits upright on the ground above long grass even and can be seen from a good distance away, helping your dog go that extra mile. 

This dummy is available in white ripstop canvas or white PVC - the latter has the benefit of being able to be wiped clean at the end of a training session wit your dog meaning it keeps sparkling white.

For extra visibility choose the streamer version - especially great on windy days when the streamers blow about in the wind.

Available in 1lb or 2lb weights, with or without the streamers.